Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Bad day at work


I had a come-to-Jesus meeting with two students, one of whom allowed the other to copy his homework, spelling and factual errors included. The young man is one of my "best" students.

I made a student cry when I used the nano-second-long marriage of Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger as an example for a point I was making. She just found out her parents are divorcing.


I must talk with a student who's been out because her father was killed in Iraq.

I must speak the truth to a disabled student whose English skills are so low that she can't possibly write passing papers.

Sometimes I'm really glad when all the bad stuff lands on the same day. It'll make tomorrow look that much better.

1 comment:

Bitty said...

Fortunately I really don't HAVE a lot of those kinds of bad days.

The recently-orphaned student didn't come to class, which might be a bad sign.

I'm looking for solutions for the other student. I learned a lot about her disability. Still, I'm no expert on dealing with it nor can I become one overnight.