Here's the meme, lifted from Vikki:
Grab the nearest book - no matter what it is. Textbook, novel, pop-up book, building code study guide, whatever.Feel free to self-tag.
Turn to page 25.
Read the 10th word on that page, or the following if that one is blank.
Type that word into Google Image search.
Post the third image.
Link back to this post.
Pretty amazing, and fun!
My first thought was that there would be no images for "or."
There are images for everything, it seems.
That's why I thought this might be a fun meme. :)
Thanks for playing!
You know, the more people that play this, the higher the odds are that said image will end up being porn.
I like that your initally uninteresting word turned out to have a surprising conclusion!
word verification is gueat . . .
"great" when said with a lisp?
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