I hope you're all having a splendid turkey day!
Due to work pressures and so forth, I decided to forego cooking today. My family in town, such as it is, had other options anyway. Instead, since I'm going away for Christmas, I'm going to have a family holiday meal sometime in the next two weeks.
For today I've put together a miniature Thanksgiving meal: a baked chicken, a baked potato, corn, cranberry sauce, rolls. And of course the thing makes holiday meals holiday meals for me...the pumpkin pie.
Gotta have the pumpkin pie.
My favorite pumpkin pie story: one summer years ago, when I was about 10 and lived in Maryland, I went to visit relatives in Illinois. Because my great-grandmother knew that pumpkin pie was just about my favorite food in the universe, she baked one. She cut it into four quarters, one slice each for herself, her husband (Grandpa L), their daughter (my Grammie), and me. When the time came for dessert, Grandpa L was just so full! He just couldn't possibly eat another bite! He just didn't know where that pie was going to go! Could I possibly help him out by eating it for him?
I was so happy to oblige.
Eventually I was old enough to look back and realize that Grandpa L had not at all been too full to eat dessert, but had instead lovingly turned his share over to me.
That moment of my life and the memory of it, along with many others, is something I am thankful for still, 45 years later.
Hurray for the pumpkin pie!
That's a nice lookin' pie, Bitty. And an admirably clean stovetop! You should see ours (shudder).
Lovely story.
Oh and you did a fancy border on your crust. Mine was a plain Jane, but tasty nevertheless. I had enough dough to do a crimp. Next time...
Bitty! I didn't realize how long it had been so I checked in with you, and you have loads of new stuff.
With all of the fascinating bits about the economy and politics and even student procrastination, I suppose I shouldn't focus on the pie . . . but Bitty, I'm with you. I LOVE my pumpkin pie. Yours is a beauty.
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